Saturday, November 22, 2008

Me, and the neglect of you

It's Friday? Really?

I have no idea where this week has gone. And I've just realized that I've absolutely been neglecting this here blog. My apologies. But you see, the thing is that my creative fervor these days has been directed towards my daily Movember email. Because the recipients of those emails are paying -- well, "donating" may be more of an apt term -- customers. You people? Freeloaders. All of you!

Anyway, I'm off to Melbourne tomorrow to meet up with the parents* -- have I mentioned on here that they've been in the country for the last week? -- then do the Great Ocean Road**, then head back to Sydney on Wednesday. So if you think I've been neglecting the blog this week, just wait until next week. Of course, if you want to receive each of my daily ramblings and a daily picture of my filthy Mo, simply click here and donate.

*For the loyal readers of this blog, you better believe that I'm bringing along my Wallpaper guide book for part deux in Melbourne. Will it serve me any better than it did the first time around? Will it provide for more awesome times? Doubtful. But will I cling to it like a safety blanket my entire time there? Absolutely.

**This is not only supposed to be an absolutely majestic stretch of road, but we will also pass by Bells Beach. Will I attempt to reenact the final scene of
Point Break with some unsuspecting Aussie? I wouldn't put it past me.

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