Sunday, November 16, 2008

Whoa. We're halfway there.

I don't know where the time's gone, but somehow, we're halfway through Movember. And in the first 15 days of the month, I've mustered out what I'm beginning to consider a legitimate Mo. So for all those who aren't on the daily email -- and honestly, I can't understand why anyone wouldn't be on it* -- here's a sneak peak of what I just sent out to all the lovely people on that distribution list:

Ain't she a beauty? And we still have half a month to go!

*Oh, wait. Of course I know why you might not be on the daily email: you haven't donated to the cause yet! But lest you think that you can't do that anymore simply because November 1 has come and gone, I'll assure you that you absolutely can, right through to the end of the month. And it's as simple as clicking here.

1 comment:

reegan said...

Wait... it's been a couple weeks and that's all that is there?! wuss.