Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Back to normalcy?

It's been an interesting and strange few weeks. My Mo (finally, mercifully) filled in. The parents came into town. The parents left town. I rejoined the parents in Melbourne. We did the Great Ocean Road from Monday to Wednesday. We came back to Sydney.* We went to see Australia.** We did a wine tasting trip on Saturday. And then on Sunday, the parents left.

*After taking the first three days of the week off, I worked, ironically, on Thursday and Friday. The opposite of all you people in the US.

**Australia in Australia! Har har har!

Two notable photos from the Great Ocean Road:

"We'll get him when he comes back in!"
"He's not coming back."

My Mo and the 12 Apostles.

Having the parents here went pretty much as I expected; a range of emotions throughout their visit. It was great, it was frustrating, it was embarrassing (mostly when my dad tried to pull off a ridiculous Aussie accent), it was a welcome escape from my routine, it was exhausting. And although I admittedly felt some relief to see them off on Sunday, I immediately felt guilt. Could we have done more? Should I have let some of the more trivial things get me frustrated? This is how a visit from my parents usually goes.

Anyway, I'm back! Maybe. Movember's over, so no more daily emails to distract me. And as the parents are gone, there will be no more long days with them. Instead, I can put my head down and work, continue to search for a new job and, theoretically, post more frequently on this thing. That is, although, until I host a belated Thanksgiving meal this Sunday, then my office Christmas party the following Thursday, and then that Saturday, Justin arrives for two weeks! So, ummmm, I'm not back? Let's just put more emphasis on that "maybe" qualifier and hope for the best.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're like the close-talker from Seinfeld talking about Jerry's parents -- "I could have done more!!!"

Oh, and calm down... don't sound so excited about my visit.