Monday, July 7, 2008

Drinking some Champagne with the King

Just like this past Thanksgiving and Martin Luther King Day and Presidents Day and Memorial Day, this Fourth of July was unlike any other that I've ever experienced. For there were no hot dogs. No hamburgers. No watermelon. No fireworks. Just work. And a hungover day of work, at that.

So what did I do to celebrate? Well, not much. Except pick up some MGD for a house party on Friday night. And then some Bud for another one on Saturday. (During which I may or may not have drunkenly serenaded the rest of the party with the Star-Spangled Banner.) My first American beers in ten months!! Sweet, sweet Americaness.

A belated Happy Fourth to all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well. We had hot dogs, hamburgers, Chips and QUESO, PBR, Lone Star, Budweisers, Trashcan Punch, Fireworks, Rooftop, Dance Party Spectacular. You were greatly missed.
