Friday, July 25, 2008

AK All Day Face: The turncoat

The turncoat (photo: Droid)

Yeah, I'm wearing an Australian flag hat, big whoop! What you gonna do, you wanna fight about it?

I should also note that earlier on the day that this photo was taken, somewhere down on the beach below, three of my friends -- who may or may not have consumed quite a few beverages of the alcoholic persuasion -- had to be saved by lifeguards when the riptide carried them and their kayak out to sea. Which meant that for the next few days, they may or may not have heard about it from the rest of us. Repeatedly.

Yeah, that was a good weekend.

The vitals
Title: The turncoat
Subject: AK
Face: The jubilation
Location: MacMasters Beach NSW

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're in a groove. The face has never looked better (not since the original, that is).