Friday, May 30, 2008

AK All Day Face: The Original

The Original (photo: Andy Klein)

We all know the face. For it's the AK All Day Face. The Original. Version 1.0. A classic.

And now, it's the face that will spawn a thousand faces. Because I'm going serial on yo' asses. In an ongoing series that will be part Touch My Belly (where have ye gone, Touch My Belly?), part Cardboard Gods and all, I'll introduce you to a world of AK All Day faces.* With each one being as uniquely absurd and mind-boggling as the next.

*AK All Day the t-shirt! AK All Day the coloring book! AK All Day the lunch box! AK All Day the breakfast cereal! AK All Day the flame thrower!!!

Over these last nine months, you thought this beautiful picture served no purpose? Oh no. It just set the table for what's to follow in the days, weeks and months ahead. And it will be good. Enjoy.

The vitals
Title: The Original aka v1.0
Subject: AK
Face: The #1
Location: Martha's Vineyard, MA

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