By my count, I've made the two-hour drive north to Newcastle three times since I moved to Sydney nearly a year and a half ago. The first time was for a very quick car tour with Jez, after our weekend in Forster. Then I came back for the infamous Fumblers-B Newy Decathlon (chronicled here, here and here). And the last time... well, I don't believe I ever recapped the horrific events of that fateful Saturday night here, but it involved myself, a bouncer, some shoving, and a torn shirt. I'm still emotionally scarred from the incident, so that's about as much as I'm willing to share at the moment.
Anyway. Late tomorrow morning, I'm going back to Newy for a fourth time. And this time, it's for Jez's buck's night (better known in the US as a bachelor party*). I have no idea what's planned, but we've been told that there will be plenty of alcohol, to bring a spare change of clothes and that the theme is red.** What I do know is that (a) our car will be making the obligatory mecca to Harry's beforehand and (b) there will be shenanigans. And no, I'm not talking about the restaurant with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks.
*I'm actually not sure why it's called a buck's night. I should probably look that up. Same goes for hen nights, aka bachelorette parties. I'm sure it's all on Wikipedia or something, but our Internet's being shitty right now, so I really couldn't be bothered.
**This is due to Jez's very red hair. On our way up there, we'll be stopping at some shops to find some ridiculous, red outfits. As far as I'm concerned, the more ridiculous, the better.
Recap (and pictures?) to follow next week? I'm Ron Burgundy?
By: Edward Payne
Joe: Just finished your book PATERNO that was loaned to me by my son. My
background; 1962 PSU grad same class as Sue Paterno but did not know her.
Father, ...
6 years ago
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