Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jobs, meat pies and The W Hotel

Had my first real job day today, with meetings at three recruitment agencies. And it's looking good for work! To be sure, the visa issue makes things more difficult, but everyone I spoke with was fairly optimistic that I'd be able to find employment relatively quickly.

In between the first and second interviews, I spent an hour looking for this meat pie stand outside of The W Hotel that Hannah raved about while I was in LA. In describing this place, Windward School's favorite photography teacher gave me every indication that The W Hotel was in the middle of the city, and even went as far as to say it was on George Street. But after an hour of aimless wandering, I gave up.

After some research back at my place, it turns out that The W Hotel in Sydney is in Woolloomooloo, which is nowhere even close to where Hannah described. (Also, on top of being one of the most ridiculous names ever, I believe Woolloomooloo holds the record for having the most O's in a city name. You know, in case that ever comes up in Trivial Pursuit.) The lesson, as always? When it comes to memory-related issues, never, ever, ever trust Hannah. Draw your own conclusions from this.

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