Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Throwin' some internet-less Kleinballs

A tangent:*

I love the US. I'd count the ways here, but that would become quite the tangent off of this tangent. So for purposes of the point I'm going to make, suffice it to say that I love the US.

I love other countries as well. I love Australia. I love France. I love Israel. I've generally loved most countries that I've visited.

I love each of the above countries, and more, because they all have something unique to offer, something that you won't find anywhere else in the world. None of them are better than any of the others. They're all just different. This is a good thing.

As we all know, America doesn't exactly have the best standing in the international community at the moment. And while I'm merely one American living abroad who alone can't do much to change that, I'm cognizant of the fact that people may see me as an extension of my country, and therefore (generally) try to act appropriately. With this in mind, I try to avoid comparisons that favor the US, because I feel as though these may come across the wrong way, as if I'm perpetuating the arrogant, "ugly American" persona and can't appreciate what other cultures have to offer.

But then there's customer service in Australia versus in the US. I'm sorry. I've reached a tipping point and I just can't bite my tongue any longer. My lord. I know it's en vogue to complain about customer service no matter where you are -- and that includes in the US, where I've had many horrific customer service experiences -- but believe me when I say that customer service in the US is leaps and bounds better than in Australia. Let me repeat that, in caps: LEAPS AND BOUNDS.

My latest pain? The internet service provider that we use in my apartment. Let's skip over the fact that there's actually a limit on the data that we can download each month; that alone can get me going on another tangent off of this tangent. Instead, let's focus on what's happened now that my roommates and I have decided to upgrade our plan, from 10GB of data a month to 30GB. Because in order to do that, for some reason I still can't fully grasp or care to even try to explain here, our ISP has to shut down our internet for two weeks! Caps, again: THEY'VE SHUT IT DOWN! FOR TWO WEEKS!

For customers who are requesting an upgrade to their existing service, you'd think most companies would jump through hoop after hoop to provide the best service possible. Not these guys. Instead, to thank us for being loyal and giving us more business, we have the distinct pleasure of going without internet for two weeks.

*Not sure how I can start a post with a tangent -- seems to kinda counter the definition of a tangent -- but there you go. Anyway. Tangent over.

The whole point of the above was to provide an excuse for not posting recently. Sorry. You'll get over it. Until then, here are a few Kleinballs to keep you coming back for more.

ANZAC Day was last Saturday, and it was good. Went to The Local, a new pub in our neighborhood that specializes in microbreweries, and played some Two-up.* Won more bets than I lost! Had some really good beers, including a Sunshine Coast Dunkelweizen (a dark wheat beer) and a Holgate Temptress Choc Porter, both of which blew my mind. The dunkelweizen, because it's friggin' amazing. (I've recently been into wheat beers, and this was a nice twist that brought things to a new level for me.) And the porter, because, holy jebus, that thing tasted like a chocolate milkshake.

*Don't know what Two-up is? It's really simple: Everyone stands around a ring and places money on the outcome of some coins that will soon be flipped. So if you want to bet $10 on heads coming up, you hold up $10 and yell out, "Ten on heads!" If someone wants $10 on tails, they'll let you know and give you $10. (The person betting on heads always holds the money.) Then coins are flipped. If they come up heads, you keep the money. If it's tails, you fork it back over to the other person.

The game was popularized among Australian soldiers during World War I, and as ANZAC Day is a commemoration for the soldiers, it's one of two days each year during which Two-up is legal.

The "job" is going well. Haven't made, or come close, to a sale yet, but I feel like I'm providing some good value to the company. Not that "providing value" pays me anything. But still. I feel good about it. And who knows, if I'm good enough, maybe this little arrangement will change so that I get an actual salary!

Because I have this "job", which may result in some income, I'm extending my deadline to find a job -- no quotes on this one... I'm talking the real deal! -- until some later date that I haven't yet determined but should probably figure out soon. Maybe two weeks later? May 22? That sounds about right. We'll see.

When these offers become available, I think I'll just keep throwing them up here to encourage people to come visit: $640 round trip from LA to Sydney! $840 from New York!!! Honestly, people. That's just a stupid deal.

And this weekend is the end of season cricket trip to Newcastle! I'm ridiculously excited, for about 38 different reasons. Seriously, it's going to be epic. I'd say about 30 hours of planning has already gone into it. I'd share some details now but, well, there are quite a few surprises planned and I can't have anyone find out before the trip. But rest assured, a full recap will follow... whenever we get our damn internet back.

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