Monday, September 14, 2009

Two years

Two years ago on this day, I landed in Sydney and began this adventure. No job. No place to live. No clue as to how any of this would play out. Just a dude, a vague sense of direction and a couple of bags. Two years ago on this day. TWO YEARS!

Three houses, two jobs, 12 roommates, nine AK All Day Faces,* three toilet flushing experiments, 16 Kleinballs and several Portuguese chicken-related incidents later, here I am.

*If only I ever get around to posting ALL the AK All Day Faces I have stored away on my computer...

I don't even know what else to say about that. Has the time flown by? Yes. Do I feel like I've made the most of my time? Yes.

Do I know what the next year has in store? No. Not at all. But I guess that's a good thing.

1 comment:

reegan said...

i'd say its high time you come back to the mainland.