Saturday, June 27, 2009

A postmortem on Movember... in June

Yes, I realize that this upcoming November is closer than last November, when I paticipated in Movember. And I realize that the video below was made over three months ago, in March. Needless to say, we move slowly here. But I just came across this video again and, well, I love it.

I love the music, as does every other Andy in the world. I love the progression of pictures showing my moustache grow (at a painfully slow rate).* I love the Goulet picture(s). And I love, love, love Keith Hernandez smoking in the dugout.

*As an added bonus, I don't think my hair looks the same in any picture.

So without further ado! From the man who so gloriously recapped a fantastic New York weekend in a 6:38 video, from the man who will soon unleash an absolutely epic video of his visit to Sydney on the world(maybe?), and from the man who is long overdue to update his blog, I give you Andy and the Molestache:

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