Monday, April 13, 2009

Sadly, Kevin Smith is desperately clinging to relevancy

I have a soft spot in my heart for Kevin Smith. Chasing Amy stands as one of my all-time favorite movies. I've watched Dogma at least ten times, yet somehow, it gets better upon each additional viewing. And while others worship Clerks and Mallrats much more than I do, they're still very much near and dear to my heart.

Then Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back happened. In the lead-up to the film's release, during sophomore year of college, I couldn't contain my excitement and followed all reports coming out of its production. My expectations were sky high, and even in hindsight, I don't think that they were unrealistic. In LA, I went to see it with Dave. We entered the movie giddy. We left convinced that we had just witnessed the biggest pile of dog crap ever.

Then Jersey Girl happened. If you think I got anywhere near that movie, then you really don't know me.

And since then -- with a debatable detour for Clerks II and possibly Zack and Miri Make a Porno (I haven't seen it yet) -- it seems as though Kevin has given up on actual film making and has instead focused all of his energy on simply staying in the news, however possible.

The latest case in point? Kevin's Twitter feed. Here's what he wrote sometime early (very early) Sunday morning:
Can't sleep. Blazed. Now horny. Do I wake wife or quietly tug one out to pics of wife's vag instead? Mind you: I'm smoke-dopey, so no prize.

Right. Okay. Yikes. Normally I'd let something like this go. But there's more! Because just in case that didn't creep you out enough, here's his follow-up tweet, just a few minutes later:
I'm not the "wake her" kinda guy. But also can't tug one out now, 'cause ya'll will know, and I'll feel like everyone's watching me do it.

Kev, I love you. But please, for the love of all that's holy, there are better ways to stay relevant than going for shock value. Such as, say, making good movies? Let's stick to that.

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