Friday, March 6, 2009

This cannot wait

Normally, the below would simply be thrown into the mix of ramblings, links, and whatnot the next time I threw some Kleinballs. But this video... well, it just cannot wait. It must be shared with the world. Right now.

I've watched this three times, and I still don't know what to think of it. Should I be impressed? Horrified? Bewildered? I'm not sure. So for now, I'm simply speechless. I am without speech.


Robert said...

You know, my Sunday hangover last weekend produced something similar to two and a half pounds of baby carrots, so I should probably buy this toilet.

Andy said...

Robert, I really want to insert a joke here about something you once said after emerging from a long session in the bathroom, but, well, I don't think those words should ever be uttered in a public forum. Hopefully you know what I'm talking about.