Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chillaxing in the Hunter and Port

We are back!

Sam, Sarah and I had a great five days --one in the Hunter Valley and four in Port Macquarie -- doing our best to "chillax" (as Sarah liked to deem it) 24/7. There was our wine tour with a crazy guide, hydro golf, St. Patty's Day celebrations at Finnian's, hanging out at the lighthouse, going to the koala hospital and, of course, getting in plenty of beach time.

The trip back yesterday featured a trip to Harry's in Newcastle because, well, it was on the way. And what trip to Australia is complete without some beautiful meat pies from Harry's?

Back in Sydney, we picked up Robert from the airport this morning and hit up the sights during the day, with the beautiful sun beating down on us. Tonight is gonna feature pizzas at The Australian Heritage Hotel with some of Australia's finest local meats: kangaroo, salt water crocodile and emu.

More to follow (including pictures?) next week.

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