Saturday, December 6, 2008

Aussies and their "little" alter egos

Okay. I'm not sure what's going on with advertising agencies in Australia these days,* but they appear to be fascinated with giving alter egos to genatalia. If you remember this post from a little over a year ago, you'll recall the below bewildering and ridiculous ad about erectile dysfunction:

*The irony being, of course, that I work for an ad agency. So logically, you'd think that I would know what's going on here. Sadly, no.

Now, we have our response for the ladies, with the below ad. I first saw this in the cinema with my parents, waiting for Australia to start. Awkwaaaaaard...

And this last one is apropos to nothing (besides the fact that it's Aussie-made), but, well, as a red-blooded male, I believe it's my duty to share it with the rest of the world.

There is a god. Elle be thy name.

Holy. Schnikes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait. You saw Australia.. in Australia?

Was it good?