Saturday, January 19, 2008

One of those weeks

My apologies for the lack of posts the last few days, but this has really been one of those weeks. A different crisis lurking around every corner. Late nights. Early mornings. Pissed off clients. Fear of any ringing phone. You name it.

So needless to say, I've neglected this blog thing. Which is quite the shame because (a) I feel like my recap of my trip to the Great Barrier Reef is going to drag on longer than Bill Simmons' list of the 72 Best Sports Movies Of The Past 33 Years and (b) I actually have quite a few great things to share with you.

So as a teaser, I'll leave you with the story that has dominated the news in Australia for the last week: little Corey Delaney and his party. Please read the linked article and we'll reconvene next week for a discussion session.

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