Friday, June 13, 2008

AK All Day Face: The sneak peak

The sneak peak (photo: Snail)

Apart from the image that has graced this blog since its inception, this is the cat that I let out of the bag a little early, the one that got away. For you may remember it from the recap of my trip to Forster back in December.

December. My God. Six months ago. To think of everything that's happened since then. Just look at the innocence in those eyes. So much youthful exuberance. So much naïve innocence. So much "Just toss the damned M&M into my mouth already!" So much yet to come. But I was drunk and full on shrimp.* So, you know, whatever.

*Or prawns... I still haven't figured out how Americans ever came to know "Let's throw another shrimp on the barbie!" as an Australian phrase.**

**Ah. Wait. Wikipedia has the answer. Is there anything that site
doesn't have?

Anyway, I submit this picture to you again, this time to the pantheon of AK All Day Faces.

The vitals
Title: The sneak peak
Subject: AK
Face: The eye contact
Location: Forster NSW


Anonymous said...

Andy, that's not the face! A blatant forgery! What on heck?!

Andy said...

Who are you, Mr. Anonymous, to say what is or isn't the Face?? I define the Face! And to me, that's the Face! Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Even the first picture from Bondi, SORT OF looks like the face. But this one? No.