Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I could get used to this

No movement on the job front. Things are still very much in limbo as I inch towards my date of deportation.*

But. BUT! The weather this past week has been amazing. Hot and sunny every day.** So I've been taking advantage, with trips to various beaches, barbecues and other excursions. I can't complain.

*From here on out, let's simpy refer to this day as "DOD".

**Maybe it did get a little TOO hot the other day when it hit 42ºC (108ºF) during the day and that night was the hottest in Sydney in 12 years. Then again, with temperatures reaching ridiculous lows in the US right now, I really can't and don't want to complain. I'll take this over that any day of the week.

To up the ante, today is Australia Day, and we're celebrating by hosting a barbecue at our apartment, listening to an annual Top 100 music countdown, and switching back and forth between cricket and tennis on the TV.

Yup. I can definitely get used to this.

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