Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Welcome to Australia, mate! Part II

Quick little follow-up to Thursday's post: Late on Friday, I was talking with a co-worker and brought up the story of how that python stalked and ate a frickin' dog. Can you guess her reaction? I'll give you some options from which to choose. You know, it's like an SAT question:

A) Shock and horror

B) Hysterical laughter

C) Not surprised; nothing new

The answer? Well, I guess this is a little leading, because I probably wouldn't devote a post to this topic unless the answer was C.

That's right, she's heard about this happening before! And not just heard about it, this happened to her cousin! For a few years ago, her cousin's cat had a litter of kittens. And soon after they were born, the kittens began to disappear one at a time. The culprit? A frickin' carpet snake living in their frickin' wall!

Gotta love this place.

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