Friday, March 7, 2008

I am Ryan Atwood

Just without the Perfect 10 girlfriend. Or the boyish good looks. Or the mean streak. Or the brooding. Or the psychotic mom. Or the psychotic brother who was shot by my now-deceased Perfect 10 girlfriend to the tune of Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek. Or the goofy, curly-haired, neurotic sidekick. Or the adoptive parents.

Yeah, I think you get the point. There aren't really many similarities between me and Ryan Atwood. But my first Aussie nickname is Chino, and that gives me something in common with the fictional character.

You see, people here don't wear khakis/chinos. It's apparently quite an American -- or maybe just non-Australian? -- thing. So when I started showing up to work in the pants, well, the nickname came quite organically. So now, I'm Chino, and that makes me feel wicked cool.

1 comment:

Robert said...

That's pretty sweet! And being called "Chino" is a thousand times cooler than being called "Khaki." You dodged a bullet on that one, my friend.