(Uhhhhh, I guess it's important to note that I'm currently pointing both of my thumbs at me.)
But yes, I had a chest x-ray on Friday and despite rumors to the contrary, it came back tuberculosis free! So for those keeping score at home, that's one step further away from deportation and one step closer to a work visa.
I've had a pretty bad chest cold for the last few days, so leading up to the exam, I was positive that I had somehow contracted tuberculosis. Kind of like how, at some point in all of our lives, we convince ourselves that we have cancer. So when the woman at the health center studied my x-ray for what seemed like a full minute, while she had seemingly glanced at every other one for a few seconds, I was fully convinced that I was on the next plane home in my own little plastic bubble. But no! I'm safe for now.

Flash forward to 7:30 the next morning when I'm woken up by the guys in the apartment I'm staying at because they're getting ready to play some cricket. And my throat is on fire. I can hardly speak. Genius, Andy. Really genius. Anyway, the rest of the day was spent trying to make it through the rest of the day. Which was quite the struggle. Needless to say, I took it easy that night, stayed away from the alcohol and even passed out before England finished off Australia in the Rugby World Cup.
Still don't have a place to live, but I'm seeing some more places today and hoping to hear back from a few others soon. Let's hope it comes soon... living on a sofa in the living room of an apartment for four isn't really my bag.
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