It's Return of the Kleinballs! Back from a 78-day hiatus! Who's excited?
Went to my first Rugby League match on Friday, a semi final between the Melbourne Storm and Cronulla Sharks. As reigning champions and owners of the best regular season record, the Storm are pretty darned good. However, they hadn't played up to their standard so far in the playoffs and were without one of their best players (he's been suspended from the remainder of the playoffs for committing a dangerous tackle in a previous game), so the match was shaping up to be a good one. I ended up sitting in a section full of Sharks fans, as one of the friends who I went with is a big fan. This made for a lively and fun atmosphere... until the Storm began to disassemble the Sharks. Demolish them. Pulverize them. Shellack them. Embarrass them. 28 to freaking 0. Not pretty. In fact, so not pretty that by the end, Sharks fans were getting into fights with each other. I've never heard so many f-bombs in all my life.
Saturday was a beautiful day, so a group of us decided to capitalize and headed off to the races, literally a three minute walk from my new apartment. It truly was a gorgeous day. With the obvious exception, of course, of me losing money. Again. I've been to the races many times in my life, and never have I left the track being up on the day. I've won a few wagers here and there, but to leave with more money than I started with? Never. Still, it was fun.
Went to a German restaurant that night with an American friend. Drunkenly demolished a schnitzel. That was good.
Saw Snakes on a Plane for the first time last week. We all know what we're getting with Snakes on a Plane, right? A stupid but fun movie, right? Well, yes and no. Because although the movie was in the vein of what I expected, it exceeded my expectations in every imaginable way. Maybe the best, campy movie I've ever seen. Seriously. I was enthralled, from beginning to end. So if you want mindless entertainment that you can laugh at and unabashadly enjoy, I implore you to go watch Snakes on a Plane. That famed Sammy Jackson line probably doesn't even crack the Top 20 of best moments, if that says anything.
Pumped for baseball playoffs starting tomorrow morning my time! Let the Internet scoreboard stalking commence! Think I'll try to do a bit of a write-up of thoughts and predictions later this week... I'm sure you can't wait!
The below video is just cool. It gets very interesting about 15 seconds in.
A happy new year to all my Jewish brothers and sisters! I celebrated by, uhhhh, yeah, well, ummmmm, there aren't many Jews in Sydney.
To paraphrase someone who I believe was paraphrasing someone else, blogs are an egotistical and self-centered form of circuitous flattery. (I don't think that's even close to the original quote. It's like calling The Perfect Storm "based on a true story" when we know that nothing other than the first 20 minutes have anything to do with fact. Whatever, I like the way it sounds. Deal with it. Now it's my quote.)
Anyway. After graduating college, I lived and worked in New York City, from June 2003 to July 2007. And now I've moved on to Sydney for more of the same: living and working. So with these big changes, AK All Day is how I'm going to disseminate the latest in my life. Because yes, I'm vain enough to believe that people will take time out of their day to visit a web site that I may (or may not) have updated. (In two months, the easy money is that I won't have updated it. Again, deal with it.)
Some posts will be about the latest events in my life, others will be pointless, meandering commentaries that will leave you befuddled and bewildered. (Don't think there won't be multiple references to I'm just hoping that whatever the topic is, you'll be interested. And to all those opposed, hmmm, well...
By: Edward Payne
Joe: Just finished your book PATERNO that was loaned to me by my son. My
background; 1962 PSU grad same class as Sue Paterno but did not know her.
Father, ...
My next thirty years...
Well, it’s been awhile, hasn’t it. I figured today was as good a day as any
to write on this thing, since I’m standing on the precipice of a milestone.
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