Friday, May 30, 2008
AK All Day Face: The Original
We all know the face. For it's the AK All Day Face. The Original. Version 1.0. A classic.
And now, it's the face that will spawn a thousand faces. Because I'm going serial on yo' asses. In an ongoing series that will be part Touch My Belly (where have ye gone, Touch My Belly?), part Cardboard Gods and all, I'll introduce you to a world of AK All Day faces.* With each one being as uniquely absurd and mind-boggling as the next.
*AK All Day the t-shirt! AK All Day the coloring book! AK All Day the lunch box! AK All Day the breakfast cereal! AK All Day the flame thrower!!!
Over these last nine months, you thought this beautiful picture served no purpose? Oh no. It just set the table for what's to follow in the days, weeks and months ahead. And it will be good. Enjoy.
The vitals
Title: The Original aka v1.0
Subject: AK
Face: The #1
Location: Martha's Vineyard, MA
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Throwin' some jealous Kleinballs
Friday, May 23, 2008
A postcursor... of sorts
In The Precursor, we found that a toilet in the Northern Hemisphere flowed in a counter clockwise direction. Fascinating.
Then I came to Australia. I grew a ghastly beard. I filmed the follow up to this study (which even at the time I termed as "belated") in the bathroom of my friends' apartment. And somehow never posted it. It's reprehensible, it's completely indefensible, it's bewildering. I know. But now, over eight months since I posted the first half of this experiment on this blog comes the exciting (non-)conclusion that absolutely no one was clammoring for until three lunatics somehow coerced me into action by calling my non-existing Islamic roots into question (don't ask):
Do we need a follow-up to follow up on this? You better believe it.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Subdued joy in Sydney
Monday, May 19, 2008
Catching up
Yikes. Things really escalated there in a hurry. I was pretty much up to date with the postings, then I predictably took far too long to recap Newcastle and work happened. A lot of work happened. My apologies for the gap in posts and for a few emails that have gone left unanswered. I hope to rectify both situations, starting right... now.
So yeah, there was Anzac Day Weekend three weekends ago. That was fun. Some highlights:
- Hit up the casino on Thursday night. Won $690 at the blackjack tables. It was going to be a good weekend.
- Played some two-up at the pub on Friday. (Basically, a bunch of people -- generally drunk -- gather around this big ring in which a few guys stand and flip three coins. Everyone bets with each other on whether they think heads or tails is going to win. It's that simple. And legal only on Anzac Day.) Won my first four flips at $20 each. Oh yeah. Definitely going to be a good weekend.
- Saw U2 3D at IMAX on Saturday. Awesome. And oddly, halfway through the movie, it struck me that Bono can look an awful lot like Robin Williams. And apparently I'm not the first one to see this.
- Went to a Rugby Union match on Saturday night. Very entertaining.
- Had a massive roast with my housemates and some other friends on Sunday: lamb, beef, potatoes (a few varieties), carrots, onions, Yorkshire Pudding (a British favorite) and more. My God, it was a feast.
- Capped it all off that night by watching Rangers-Celtic in the Scottish Premier League, which is the SPL's version of Yanks-Sox, Duke-UNC, Michigan-OSU, etc. And that's when I was introduced to Jan Johannes Vennegoor of Hesselink. Yes, that's the name of a player on Celtic. Seriously. Here's his Wikipedia page. Jarrod Saltalamacchia, eat your heart out.
And last weekend (two weekends ago?) there was the houseboat on the Hawkesbury River. Which was fantastic. I thought ten of us on a boat for three days would be a bit much, but surprisingly, it wasn't too bad. Although on Friday night, our numbers were nearly reduced to nine because I almost got myself killed as I traversed a waterway in our dingy to pick up some of our group that arrived late. It was pitch black, and I had a few in me. Not a good combination. Anyway, I'm puttering along and can see my destination in the distance, so I turn off my little flashlight. Half a minute later, I'm startled as a boat probably ten times larger than mine flies by about thirty feet behind me. The driver quite rightly took me to task for that, and I thanked my lucky stars for the rest of the weekend.
And we're caught up.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Newy pictures and the Hawkesbury
My sworn enemy and I in a brief moment of reconciliation.
No, no, no, guys... it's AK All Day.
The longest 40 seconds you've ever experienced.
They're laughing with me... or at least that's what keep on telling myself at night so that I can fall asleep.
This was taken in an elevator. Three seconds later, we all plummeted to our... well, I'm writing this now, so we ended up fine.

Rockin' it out with Shorty.
The establishment that shut down my arteries for the weekend. God bless it.
Thumper returneth.
And now I'm off to spend the weekend on a houseboat with nine others on the Hawkesbury River! I'm going to freeze my ass off, this much I know. Besides that? Well, probably some booze.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Meeting and exceeding expectations, Vol. 3
SUNDAY: Bringin' It Home
Nothing easy like a Sunday morning today.* We pack up and meet up with the other boys whose apartment is, yes, a three minute walk away from Harry's. So for our healthy and nutritious breakfast, I down pie number three.** By now, they're absolutely disgusting. But so good.
*In fact, I'd argue that most Sunday mornings are note easy. Lionel's on his own there.
As we all silently eat, lost in each of our hung over heads, Maz, Shorty and I head off to add up all the scores. And with only one more event to go, we find it's fairly close, with about five or six people -- including myself -- still in contention for victory. So we head back to the group, announce the subtotals and get to the final event:
9. Fumblers Lotto – The simplest of them all. We have 16 pieces of paper in a hat, all labeled with a number between 0 and 15. Everyone draws, from the person currently in last up to the leader. I get a 3. Crap. As far as contending for the title goes, that's the nail in the coffin for me.
Before I move on, however, a few notes are in order:
2) For the mathematically inclined, you may have noticed that our decathlon -- which, by definition, has ten events -- only featured nine events. We had initially planned on ten, but when someone forgot to bring their Who Wants To Be A Millionaire board game, we lost an event* and decided that instead of coming up with something else, it would be quite appropriate for a group of underachievers such as Fumblers-B to compete in a nine-event decathlon.
*In retrospect, this may have been a good thing.
3) Finally, and most disappointingly, it was determined earlier in the event that the loser would in fact not have to go into Ken's at Kensington. Which was a brutal blow to the integrity of the entire event. But enough of the boys put up a fuss that we canned the stipulation that the last place finisher go in and instead decided that if anyone finished the decathlon with under 20 points (a woeful and pitifully low number that you'd actually have to try to get under), only then would someone have to go in. And since the person in last place finished with 44 points, well, the mystery of Ken's will continue.
And with that, we split up, got into our cars and headed back to Sydney. For our weekend was over. Or so we thought...
God, I don't even know where to begin with Matt or Thumper. Let's see. I guess I can first say that Matt -- or Lisle, as we call him -- is crazy. Certifiably insane. It's seemingly his goal in life to make everyone in a ten foot radius feel uncomfortable. And he does this to great effect, which often leads to hilarity, embarrassment and terror, all rolled into one. And Thumper? Well, he's a dildo. A big, foot-long dildo that's probably a good six inches in circumference. So with your very brief knowledge of Matt, it probably comes as no surprise that he and Thumper often travel together, with the sole intention of producing awkward situations.
Anyway, there's Matt waving Thumper around, which we first thought he was doing because he knew we were driving behind him. And it was absolutely hilarious. But then we noticed that he was only waving Thumper around when his car passed someone on the sidewalk! So he wasn't doing this for us -- he was waving this dildo around at other people! Which of course made us laugh harder. After a few minutes witnessing this spectacle, we finally pulled up alongside the car, and saw Matt with Thumper in one hand and a bullhorn in the other! That's right -- not only was he waving this dildo at people, he's been yelling at people with the bullhorn! My God, he's crazy.
Yes. That was a weekend.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Meeting and exceeding expectations, Vol. 2
Cut to later Saturday night. We get to the place where we'll be spending the rest of the night, pay a $10 cover and then... no breathalyzer!!! We were crushed until, well, there was a breathalyzer. So we excitedly gathered everyone (not an easy feat when 14 guys are scattered in a two-story bar) and we all blew. The lowest BAC? 0.072. (Still under the legal limit to drive!) The highest? 0.253. And I blew a 0.140, which I was very disappointed in at the time* but was still somehow good for seven points.
*What have I come to that I'm disappointed with not being drunk enough? Is this my life??!? Ah, whatever... it was a contest. Plus it wasn't even midnight yet! I probably got into the 20s by the end of the night.

On the way home, I was conned into walking fifteen minutes in the wrong direction all in the name of going to Harry's. My fury and bewilderment quickly turned into pleasure as I scarfed down pie number two on the weekend. And then as we walked another 20 minutes back to the apartment, the rage came back in full force. Unfortunately, there were no pissed off women screaming at us from a hotel window to berate this time.
As I slept away my rage, Sunday morning dawned. And not only would it bring the end of the Decathlon and the crowning of a champion, but also one of the stranger and funnier things I've ever witnessed. We'll wrap this up by this weekend at the latest. I promise.